Posts Tagged ‘Medientechnik’

Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e. V.

Posted by Lina Heuschen

CLIENT: Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e. V. , Bonn

June 2021

235 Media provided the setup of media installations for the exhibition Diversity United in Hangar 2+3 of Tempelhof Airport in Berlin. The exhibition was opened on June 8 by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.


Find out more on the Projectsite >>

Hans Arp: Traumanatomie

Posted by Stefan2016

CLIENT: Landes-Stiftung Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck
26. DECEMBER 2011

The goal was to develop modular and reusable exhibition architecture for the museum created by Richard Meier. The art bulletin (1-2/10011 edition, page 56), reports on the results: “The fantastic spatial effect of Richard Meier’s museum construction project is used effectively to establish surprising perspectives and visions by alternating between intimate built-ins and open views.” Selected small sculptures have been effectively placed in an open view with three sequential lighting conditions: “Sophisticated lighting effects provide an additional subjectivity of the view: The versatility of Arp’s artistic base element has been effectively staged.” (Art bulletin, see above)

Security sensors, developed by 235 MEDIA as well, enable the open positioning of exhibits on large wall pedestals.

In cooperation with nowakteufelknyrim and Fischer Lichtgestaltung.


Posted by Lina Heuschen

Customer: Meiré GmbH & Co. KG

235 MEDIA created the SoundSpa for the company Dornbracht. As well as building the exhibition inside the Cologne factory of Meiré GmbH during the 2008 Passages, 235 MEDIA also set it up in Milan for the supporting events at the Salon du Mobile.

The presentation took place inside a specially developed SoundSpa, conceived and designed by Mike Meiré. Thanks to music from Mike Meiré and Carlo Peters, as well as animated images by Jens-Oliver Gasde, this piece of ritual architecture made for a unique experience. Through the interplay between the ceiling projection and the sound installation, various acoustic worlds came into being.

235 MEDIA implemented the building of the cubes, delivered and installed the media technology and oversaw the construction and dismantling.

In cooperation with Meiré GmbH & Co. KG

Römerthermen Zülpich

Posted by Lina Heuschen


All of the media technology for this complex new museum built around the Roman thermal baths in Zülpich was planned and executed by 235 MEDIA. It also includes other multimedia displays:

– three projections in the ancient thermal baths

– an AV media station on “Bathing Worlds” which involved the design of an interface as well as the production of 4 films:

“100 Years of Bathing Holidays”, “Bathing Culture in Film”, “Setting the Scene for Bathing”, and “Water Sports”

– an AV media station on “Racial Hygiene – The Perversion of an Idea”, which included media production

– the production of a film on the use a washbasin in the eighteenth century, which included filming and post-production

– the implementation of three other media stations and a wall projection

Zur Deutschen Sozialgeschichte

Posted by Lina Heuschen


On 23 August 2008 the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs opened a permanent exhibition on the emergence of German social history.

235 MEDIA ®evolution not only planned and implemented all of the media technology, but also designed an interactive table. The interactive table provides visitors with an opportunity to playfully explore the world in which people in Germany lived around 1900. The visitor can “page” through portraits of social classes, professions and places that played a role in life of those times as if in a photo album, thereby intuitively gaining access to these topics through pictures, films and texts. The interactive table makes it possible to acquire insight into to the atmosphere of everyday working life and to approach the lives of the people in a personal manner.

In addition to the interactive table, 235 MEDIA also created the following multimedia displays:

– an interactive stairway installation with projections of various historical vehicles

– two interactive AV media stations

– an interactive audio station with 12 audio portraits


In cooperation with Hansen Kommunikation


Posted by Lina Heuschen

JULY 2005

The BioCity in the Münster Zoo was inaugurated in July 2005 and comprises the International Centre for Turtle Protection, a research workshop for school children and a permanent exhibition about biodiversity. 235 MEDIA developed the concept for the mediatechnical-planning in cooperation with Heimatfabrik Kulturproduktion Münster, and they also produced eight partly interactive media installations:

– Cube-Station “Biodiversity” (interactive)
– “Whirl of images”
– Turtle-station
– Informative game “Bionic” (interactive)
– Walk of the animals (installation at the entrance)
– two audiostations, (outside and interactive)

In cooperation with Heimatfabrik Kulturproduktion Münster