Das elektronische Schmuckstück

Ornamenta 1, Pforzheim




Starting from the assumption that the visitor of a jewellery art exhibition cherishes the wish to touch or wear those jewels 235 MEDIA created this installation. The locked-up and secured showcases create a distance between the exhibition objects and the visitors that is necessary for reasons of security, but basically contradicts the intention of the exhibitor as well as the needs of the visitor.

The visitor’s desire to wear or own one object or another cannot be met in reality, but it can be simulated with the computer and video technology. Provided they are wearable, the exhibited pieces of jewellery are recorded by a video camera and saved digitally (digital library). By using the the catalogue number, they can be selected on a monitor within a minimum of time.

In an installation setup, the visitor can now stand (or sit) on a marked spot in front of a camera and choose the desired piece of jewellery. With the help of an electronic punch, the operator (necessary for the installation) fixes the jewellery to the visitor’s body. The visitor can watch this procedure on a monitor. Once the object on the monitor is in the desired position, a video or Polaroid printer will print out a full-color picture for the visitor to take home.

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