100 Jahre Jugendherbergen

Burg Altena




Client: Das Deutsche Jugendherbergswerk

In 2009 the German Youth Hostel Association will celebrate “100 years of Youth Hostels” with a special exhibition at the Burg Altena.

The central attraction will be the interactive table realized by 235 MEDIA. Through this, visitors have access to comprehensive information about 100 years of inspired history. The intuitive navigation guides visitors through several time segments with images, texts, audio commentaries and 30 short films about key events and people. An interactive map of the world invites visitors to discover the international network of youth hostels. By means of a simple language selection function all of the content is also available in English. A custom designed Internet terminal also offers current information and booking options.

The application is additionally obtainable as an interactive DVD-ROM for members of the DJH.

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