Bayer Material Science – Technikomm

3D Visitor Guide




CLIENT: Bayer Material Science
November 2012

235 MEDIA has developed and set up a three-dimensional, interactive visitor guide for Bayer Material Science’s “Technikomm” in Leverkusen.

Using a tablet PC, visitors move through a virtual space that corresponds to the real exhibition area. The viewing angle seen on the tablet PC corresponds exactly to that looking at the real exhibits. This way, detailed information on the material characteristics can be gathered intuitively. In addition, the system offers selected tours where visitors have direct access to a wide range of information, images and film footage specifically arranged by topics and materials.

The application was produced in German and English. Other languages can be added. The tablet PCs are housed in a tablet cabinet that on the one hand takes care of the power supply, and on the other allows them to be updated centrally

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