German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control

Interactive Table and 360° projection




CLIENT: German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control
January til November 2013

Within the framework of the Renewable Energies/Energy Efficiency Export Initiatives, the Federal Republic of Germany is participating in a total of 10 trade fairs with a joint stand in 2013. Part of the corporate design is an interactive media table and a 360° projection that is used to support the communication goals. In addition, these exhibits act as design elements and help the stand to achieve a long-range effect.

The media table realised by 235 MEDIA consists of a circular projection table with a diameter of 100 cm, a projection cylinder with a 500 cm diameter mounted above the table, and the corresponding control units. The multi-touch surfaces allow visitors to learn interactively about the focal topics of the Renewable Energies/Energy Efficiency Export Initiatives. Different imagery is generated on the projection cylinder depending on the accessed content, providing changing atmospheric moods at the trade-fair stand.

The rear projection is complemented by a multi-touch function with an IR camera detection system, an IR laser matrix and a HD camera. The 360° projection is realised with six projectors on a rear-projection screen and steered by a Watch Out system.

Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Johannesburg (South Africa), St. Petersburg (Russia), Bangkok (Thailand), San Francisco (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Mexico City (Mexico), Manila (Philippines), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Casablanca (Morocco)

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