CLIENT: Hoesch-Museum
May 2018
The Hoesch Museum arose from the collaboration of former “Hoeschianers”, the Museum for Art and Cultural History and the Foundation for the West-Phalia Economic Archive. The museum is housed in the historic gatekeeper’s lodge and gives an overview of more than 160 years of city history of the steel industry in Dortmund.
The re-worked media installation “Phoenix from the Ashes” was created as far back as 2005 and has been brought right up to data technically, graphically and in terms of content, with an 84” multi-touch monitor with 4K resolution. Based on an aerial photo of the city, visitors can find out about the plans and perspectives of 11 former industrial areas in Dortmund. With functions such as comparisons of aerial shots from 1969 and 2017, the museum can display the structural change in Dortmund over the years. With numerous contributions on leisure, living and working, visitors can find out about the latest developments.
235 MEDIA designed and implemented the media production and also installed the media technology.