Nationalpark-Besucherzentrum Brockenhaus





CLIENT: Nationalpark-Besucherzentrum Brockenhaus
October 2019

In October 2019, the Brockenhaus in the middle of the Harz National Park opened the new permanent exhibition “The Brocken as part of the NATURA 2000 protected areas network”. Visitors are extensively informed about all relevant national park topics and are made aware of the rare animal and plant species that are sensitive to interference. For this purpose, 235 Media developed scenographies with complex environments and media installations.

The exhibition begins with an interactive topographic model of Germany’s highest low mountain region. A broad spectrum of information is presented on 220 x 150 cm – from the history of the Harz Mountains to suggestions for visiting the national park. The individual themes are accompanied by illustrative slide shows on a large-format wall monitor and spoken texts, which can be heard via one-hand handsets and multimedia guides.

At the heart of the exhibition is an immersive forest simulation, which portrays the forest change in the Harz National Park in ten multimedia scenes that merge into one another. Here, the biological complexity of the natural processes during the gradual change from spruce forest to new wilderness becomes visible. Video projections, which are organically interwoven with the forest scenery, bring the forest in the Brockenhaus to life. In each forest area, a multi-channel sound design creates an individual auditory atmosphere that reacts dynamically to visitor interactions. In this exhibition area, modified VR glasses designed as panoramic binoculars serve as an in-depth information medium. Depending on the viewing direction, two films on the respective forest areas are offered in each of the four binoculars.

The video panoramas at the end of the exhibition are contemplative. In 130° video panoramas and with targeted 3D sound, the Brockenurwald, the so-called battle zone, and the top of the Brocken are portrayed in all four seasons. These unique habitats are presented with a selection of the animals found there, some of which are extremely rare.

235 Media conceived and realized the entire exhibition as general contractor in cooperation with ntk Düsseldorf.

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