Sudetendeutsches Museum

A new museum in Munich



CLIENT: Sudetendeutsches Museum

October 2020

In October 2020, the Sudeten German Museum opened in the middle of Munich with an impressive building on the edge of the Isar river. The building and the exhibition were designed according to the most modern museum presentation concepts with the participation of German and Czech scientists and historians. It is the new centerpiece of the remembrance of the history, fate and cultural achievements of the 19 different German-speaking population groups that lived for centuries in the Kingdom of Bohemia and the later Czech Republic.

On five levels, the themes of homeland and faith, economy and culture, nationalism and the nation state, loss and expulsion as well as post-war years and new beginnings are conveyed in German, Czech and English.

The Büro Hermanns consortium from Münster as well as Winkels Interior Design Exhibition and 235 Media as general contractor took over the complete realization from the exhibition idea to the turnkey handover.

In addition to around 900 exhibits, more than 30 media installations designed and realized by 235 Media paint a vivid picture of a multi-faceted culture: two interactive media tables, an 18-monitor video wall, a multi-vision projection on a curved, five-meter-wide projection screen, a space-consuming multimedia environment, a plastic rear-projection installation, a trilingual multimedia museum guide and numerous interactive video and audio stations.

Dr. Ulrich Hermanns Ausstellung Medien Transfer GmbH
Winkels Interior Design Exhibition GmbH

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