Michael Pinsky

The Final Bid



Client: Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen

The topic of sustainability is also taking an increasingly prominent place in the visual arts. In his installation THE FINAL BID at the Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen, British artist Michael Pinsky addressed the issue of reusing things instead of buying new ones. 144 used chairs were auctioned off in an elaborate auction installation. The auction status of the individual chairs was indicated by how high they floated in the air. The bids created a kinetic ensemble of objects that changed constantly.

To breathe life into the installation, we converted each of the 144 electric motorized winches and made them network-compatible. We also developed the control software that allowed each winch to be controlled individually. On an online auction platform, interested parties placed their bids on the individual chairs, which were then converted into control commands for the motorized winches via our network.

Finally, our technical team carried out the elaborate installation and setup of the 144 winches in the MAIN SPACE of the Draiflessen Collection.

Images: Michael Pinsky, THE FINAL BID, © Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen/Michael Pinsky, Photos: Henning Rogge

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