Michael Pinsky, The Final Bid

235 Media / Passagen 2023




26.05. – 07.06. 2023 BEI 235 MEDIA, AM KÖLNER BRETT 1, KÖLN

The installation “The Final Bid” by British artist Michael Pinsky questions our consumer behavior and its impact on the environment. It is surprising that the majority of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the consumption of things like furniture, clothing or appliances and not by air travel, energy consumption or food. The project promotes an economy of reuse by collecting used chairs that are then sold through an online auction. This creates an ever-changing sculptural ensemble. The installation height of each chair increases as the bidding increases, representing the evolving value of the object. However, the sculptural presence of the exhibition is only a moment in the chairs’ journey to reuse, as they will find a new home elsewhere after the exhibition.

“The Final Bid” plays with the idea of collecting artifacts and the appreciation they gain when placed in a new context. While some of the chairs may have significant sentimental value, they may generally have little commercial value. In the tradition of the readymade, they are momentarily ripped from their functional use and become sculptures to be contemplated rather than just pieces of furniture to be sat upon.

We are celebrating forty years of 235 Media as part of Passages 2023.

Bids could be placed on-site or online. Proceeds were donated to Doctors Without Borders.


With the kind support of the Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen.

Michael Pinsky, THE FINAL BID, 2022, first time realized at the Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen.

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